Logo Veos Group


Since the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) we have been monitoring the situation minutely. Veos is taking the necessary precautionary measures to safeguard our personnel, suppliers and consumers health. We are mobilising all means at our disposal to support you and your business by managing our services as effectively as possible in accordance with current quality and sustainability standards. 

On this page, you’ll find the latest updates and information related to corona and the Veos Group.
We would like to note to our staff, suppliers, and customers to reach out and contact us in case of any uncertainties. We continue to do our best and to provide all possible assistance and necessary information.

Vepro prior

A robust approach to risk management and operation effectiveness in accordance with our high quality standards is integral to our business. For many years, we have run a Business Continuity Plan which identifies how our business can continue to operate in periods of disruption such as the coronavirus, and which is kept under regular review.

The coronavirus outbreak is clearly a constantly evolving situation with uncertainty regarding the timescale and extent of impact. In the meantime, we want to reassure you that we will continue to review and implement services and operational initiatives to minimise the potential impact of the coronavirus, in order to support your ongoing business operations.

Find the latest World Health Organization recommendations here: https://www.who.int/

Vepro resillinace

We have invested in technology and infrastructure to ensure that our business is both robust and sufficiently flexible to be able to cope with disruptive events:

  • ‘Necessary’ staff at our plants: will be offered al means at our disposal to guarantee respiratory hygiene. In combination with other communication measures such as offering guidance about health and safety measures.
  • ‘Other’ employees have the ability to work from home if required and can remotely access our systems within a secure IT environment. We are also able to redirect telephone lines to mobile phones or IP phones ensuring our published telephone numbers to be answered at all times.
Vepro safety

The health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and occupiers is of paramount importance to us. We are therefore closely monitoring and implementing official guidelines from the government and health organisations in respect of COVID-19. Specific actions taken include:

  • We have communicated to all staff that if they have flu-like symptoms they should remain at home
  • We have encouraged everyone to work from home and have the technology in place to facilitate this
  • Hand sanitisers have been provided at our properties for both staff and visitors
  • We encourage social distancing  (+1,5 meters) at work.
  • Cleaning staff has been instructed to add to their cleaning specifications extra focus on cleaning and sanitising “contact points” around the common parts (door handles, push plates, lift call buttons, WC flushing areas in particular)




Vepro produce de acuerdo con estándares estrictos que son aptos para el consumo humano. Cada paso en nuestro proceso de producción se controla y monitorea cuidadosamente de acuerdo con normas aprobadas y certificadas como HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 22000 y GMP para garantizar una calidad superior impecable.



Para cumplir con todos los estándares de la industria, hecemos seguimiento a todos nuestros productos. Podemos recuperar instantáneamente cuándo y dónde se han fabricado y dónde recolectamos nuestras materias primas.



Nuestro laboratorio examina las materias primas y los productos en proceso y terminados en cada etapa de producción con pruebas bacteriológicas, químicas, funcionales y nutricionales.



Para asegurar la calidad de nuestros productos, no solo invertimos en controlar constantemente toda nuestra línea de productos, sino que también hacemos un control ante y post mortem de la extracción de sangre.


El grupo Veos opera de acuerdo con tres importantes valores:

Como parte del grupo Veos, fundado en 1974, Vepro se encuentra en un entorno de crecimiento constante debido a la innovación continua. Veos estableció una red mundial de distribución de ventas y expandió su producción en varios países. Hoy el grupo Veos tiene plantas de producción en Bélgica (Veos), en Francia (Vapran) y en Brasil (Hemoprot).


Con el espíritu de emprendimiento como nuestra característica, nuestros recursos generados se utilizan para seguir invirtiendo.


Respeto por nuestros empleados, nuestros grupos de interés, nuestros clientes, nuestros padres y, por supuesto, por el medio ambiente.


Mantenemos nuestros pies en la tierra y siempre estamos buscando nuevas formas de ser mejores.
