CFIA 2025
Rennes – France
4 – 6 March | Booth N°4-C68
Join us at the CFIA trade show for a new edition full of food industry innovations.
Europe’s pig slaughtering numbers have dropped significantly because of high increases in the costing structure of the farmers and several diseases in Europe like PRRS in Spain & ASF in Germany. All this has a serious impact for meat processing companies … We believe that using functional pork proteins could offer a solution.
We’ve added 2 types of chicken-based functional proteins to our range. They increase protein content, enhance flavor, and make chicken juicier. Vepro Gel 120 CC works in many processed meat applications while Vepro Gel 125 CC I is great in brines.
Download the full report!
Veos 不断开发新产品和应用,满足客户的需求以及市场趋势。我们的研究都是在 Veos 的实验室与客户、学界、业界专业顾问等第三方专业人员一同完成的。很荣幸能与您分享我們的研究成果!
Nowadays, we see an increase in the sale of pre-sliced and vacuum packed products. Customers want perfect thinly sliced quality meat and don’t settle for less. Go for thinly sliced quality meat with the Vepro Gel 100 PC! Read our full article and discover how the Vepro Gel 100 PC can help you!